A book that, although it is very well written, it is easy reading, and that doesn’t get lost in insignificant details, but in another hand, holds what is essential for learning from those who want the emotional and professional success. Achieve lasting and sustainable progress is difficult, but in this volume, we find the step-by-step needed to achieve this so sought and flaming point.
The book brings in all its pages, appropriate responses to questions which afflict us for centuries about how we can doto level up.
Based on philosophy, psychiatry, psychology, coaching, neuro-linguistic programming and other current scientific studies that show how we can have a better performance and modeling the strategies used by the most successful people in the world, it teaches the map to navigate this ocean ofnew and uplifting knowledge.
During all the reading we receive answers to subjects of great interest for those who seek self-knowledge, self-control, daring, personal preparation and confidence to make a difference.